: int -> int
> (with acc_count handle (abc ())) 0
- 3 : int
### Same trick is used to simulate state
class: huge-code
let collect = handler
print msg k -> (msg :: k ())
val x -> []
let silence = handler
print msg k -> k ()
> with collect handle (abc ())
- ["A", "B", "C"] : string list
> with silence handle (abc ())
- () : unit
### These two are actually useful!
class: center, middle
## Handling user defined effects
class: center, middle
## nondeterminism
### `decide : unit -> bool`
`fail : unit -> empty`
class: center, middle
## Finding all Pythagorean triples
## $$m \leq a < b \leq n$$
## $$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$
class: huge-code
### Choose an integer between $m$ and $n$
let choose_int m n =
if m > n then
fail ()
else if decide () then
choose_int (m + 1) n
class: huge-code
### Choose a triple such that $m \leq a < b \leq n$
let pythagorean m n =
let a = choose_int m (n – 1) in
let b = choose_int (a + 1) n in
match square_root (a ** 2 + b ** 2) with
| None -> fail ()
| Some c -> (a, b, c)
> pythagorean 3 10
Uncaught operation decide
class: huge-code
let backtrack = handler
decide () k ->
handle (k true) with
fail _ _ -> k false
> with backtrack handle (pythagorean 3 4)
- (3, 4, 5)
> with backtrack handle (pythagorean 5 15)
- (5, 12, 13)
> with backtrack handle (pythagorean 5 7)
Uncaught operation fail!
class: huge-code
let trackback = handler
decide () k ->
handle (k false) with
fail _ _ -> k true
> with trackback handle (pythagorean 3 4)
- (3, 4, 5)
> with trackback handle (pythagorean 5 15)
- (9, 12, 15)
> with trackback handle (pythagorean 5 7)
Uncaught operation fail!
class: huge-code
let find_all = handler
x -> [x]
fail _ _ -> []
decide () k -> k true ++ k false
> with find_all handle (pythagorean 3 4)
- [(3, 4, 5)]
> with find_all handle (pythagorean 5 15)
- [(5, 12, 13); (6, 8, 10); ...]
> with find_all handle (pythagorean 5 7)
- []
class: center, middle
## And now for some theory!
### Terms
\newcommand{\doin}[3]{\mathbf{do} \; #1 \leftarrow #2 \; \mathbf{in} \; #3}%
\newcommand{\set}[1]{\\{ #1 \\}}%
\newcommand{\cast}[2]{#1 \vartriangleright #2}%
\newcommand{\seq}[2]{\kpre{do} #1 \leftarrow #2 \kop{in}}%
\newcommand{\conditional}[3]{\kpre{if} #1 \kop{then} #2 \kop{else} #3}%
\newcommand{\fun}[1]{\kpre{fun} #1 \mapsto}%
\newcommand{\recfun}[2]{\kpre{rec} \kpre{fun} #1 \, #2 \mapsto}%
\newcommand{\opcall}[4][\op]{#1(#2; #3.\,#4)}%
\newcommand{\opclause}[3][\op]{#1(#2; #3) \mapsto}%
\newcommand{\retclause}[1]{\return #1 \mapsto}%
\newcommand{\withhandle}[2]{\kpre{with} #1 \kop{handle} #2}%
v &\bnfis x \bnfor k \bnfor \fun{x} c \bnfor h \\\\
h &\bnfis \handler \\{ \retclause{x} c_r, \opclause[\op_1]{x}{k} c_1, \dots, \opclause[\op_n]{x}{k} c_n \\} \\\\
c &\bnfis \return v \bnfor \opcall{v}{y}{c} \bnfor \seq{x}{c_1} c_2 \bnfor \\\\
&\qquad\qquad \conditional{v}{c_1}{c_2} \bnfor v_1 \, v_2 \bnfor \withhandle{v}{c} \\\\
- - -
f (g x)
is desugared to $\doin{y}{g~x}{f~y}$
1 + 2
is desugared to $\doin{f}{(+)~1}{f~2}$
Op x
is desugared to $\opcall{v}{y}{\return y}$
### Types
A &\bnfis K \bnfor A \to \C \bnfor \C_1 \hto \C_2 \\
\C &\bnfis A \E \{ \op_1, \dots, \op_n \}
- - -
$$\ctx \ent v \T A$$
$$\ctx \ent c \T \C$$
### Typing rules
\op \T A_1 \opto A_2 \and
\ctx \ent v \T A_1 \and
\ctx, y \T A_2 \ent c \T A \E \Dirt \and
\op \in \Dirt
\ctx \ent \opcall{v}{y}{c} \T A \E \Dirt
\ctx \ent c_1 \T A_1 \E \Dirt \and
\ctx, x \T A_1 \ent c_2 \T A_2 \E \Dirt
\ctx \ent \seq{x}{c_1} c_2 \T A_2 \E \Dirt
\ctx \ent v \T \C_1 \hto \C_2 \and
\ctx \ent c \T \C_1
\ctx \ent \withhandle{v}{c} \T \C_2
\ctx, x \T A \ent c_r \T B \E \Dirt' \\
(\op_i \T A_i \opto B_i) \in \sig \qquad
\ctx, x \T A_i, k \T B_i \to B \E \Dirt' \ent c_i \T B \E \Dirt'
\Big]_{1 \leq i \leq n} \\
\Dirt \setminus \{ \op_i \}_{1 \leq i \leq n} \subseteq \Dirt'
\ctx \ent \handler \{
\retclause{x} c_r,
[\opclause[\op_i]{x}{k} c_i]_{1 \leq i \leq n}
\} \T A \E \Dirt \hto B \E \Dirt'
### Subtyping
K \leq K
A_2 \leq A_1 \and
\C_1 \leq \C_2
A_1 \to \C_1 \leq A_2 \to \C_2
\C_2 \leq \C_1 \and
\C_1' \leq \C_2'
\C_1 \hto \C_1' \leq \C_2 \hto \C_2'
A_1 \leq A_2 \and
\Dirt_1 \subseteq \Dirt_2
A_1 \E \Dirt_1 \leq A_2 \E \Dirt_2
- - -
\ctx \ent v \T A_1 \and
A_1 \leq A_2
\ctx \ent v \ent A_2
\ctx \ent c \T \C_1 \and
\C_1 \leq \C_2
\ctx \ent c \ent \C_2
class: center, middle
## every computation
### either
## calls an operation
### or
## returns a value
class: center, middle
## every computation of type $A \E \Dirt$
### either
## calls an operation in $\Dirt$
### or
## returns a value of type $A$
### Operational semantics
c_1 \step c_1'
\seq{x}{c_1} c_2 \step \seq{x}{c_1'} c_2
\seq{x}{\return v} c \step c[v / x]
\seq{x}{\opcall{v}{y}{c_1}} c_2 \step \opcall{v}{y}{\seq{x}{c_1} c_2}
c \step c'
\withhandle{h}{c} \step \withhandle{h}{c'}
\withhandle{h}{(\return v)} \step c_r[v / x]
\withhandle{h}{\opcall[\op_i]{v}{y}{c}} \step c_i[v / x, (\fun{y} \withhandle{h}{c}) / k]
\withhandle{h}{\opcall[\op']{v}{y}{c}} \step \opcall[\op']{v}{y}{\withhandle{h}{c}}
### Equations & induction principle
\seq{x}{\return v}{c} &\ \equiv\ c[v / x] \\\\
\seq{x}{\opcall{v}{y}{c_1}} c_2 &\ \equiv\ \opcall{v}{y}{\seq{x}{c_1} c_2} \\\\
\seq{x}{c} \return x &\ \equiv\ c \\\\
\seq{x_2}{(\seq{x_1}{c_1} c_2)} c_3 &\ \equiv\ \seq{x_1}{c_1} (\seq{x_2}{c_2} c_3) \\\\
\conditional{\tru}{c_1}{c_2} &\ \equiv\ c_1 \\\\
\conditional{\fls}{c_1}{c_2} &\ \equiv\ c_2 \\\\
\conditional{v}{c[\tru / x]}{c[\fls / x]} &\ \equiv\ c[v / x] \\\\
(\fun{x} c) \, v &\ \equiv\ c[v / x] \\\\
\fun{x} v \, x &\ \equiv\ v \\\\
\withhandle{h}{(\return v)} &\ \equiv\ c_r[v / x] \\\\
\withhandle{h}{(\opcall[\op_i]{v}{y}{c})} &\ \equiv\ c_i[v / x, (\fun{y} \withhandle{h}{c}) / k] \\\\
\withhandle{h}{(\opcall[\op']{v}{y}{c})} &\ \equiv\ \opcall[\op']{v}{y}{\withhandle{h}{c}} \\\\
\withhandle{(\handler \{ \retclause{x} c_2 \})} c_1 &\ \equiv\ \seq{x}{c_1} c_2 \\\\
\forall v. \phi(\return v)
\forall \op, v, c. (\forall y. \phi(c(y)) \Rightarrow \phi(\opcall{v}{y}{c}))
\forall c. \phi(c)
class: center, middle
# Explicit effects
### IFIP WG 2.1, Lesbos
class: center, middle
# Effect inference in Eff
is currently broken
background-image: url(occurs-check-issue.png)
background-size: auto 100%
background-image: url(equals-issue.png)
background-size: auto 100%
class: center, middle
# ICFP 2017 paper #113
class: center, middle
### idea:
## handler specific optimizations
### +
## free monad embedding in OCaml
### =
## fast handlers
**source code**
let no_attack (x, y) (x', y') =
x <> x' && y <> y' && abs (x - x') <> abs (y - y')
**generated code**
let _no_attack_20 (_x_21,_y_22) =
(fun (_x'_23,_y'_24) ->
((_var_1 _x_21) >> (fun _gen_bind_26 -> _gen_bind_26 _x'_23)) >>
(fun _gen_bind_25 ->
match _gen_bind_25 with
| true ->
((_var_1 _y_22) >> (fun _gen_bind_28 -> _gen_bind_28 _y'_24))
((fun _gen_bind_27 ->
match _gen_bind_27 with
| true ->
((((_var_4 _x_21) >>
(fun _gen_bind_32 -> _gen_bind_32 _x'_23))
>> (fun _gen_bind_31 -> _abs_9 _gen_bind_31))
>> (fun _gen_bind_30 -> _var_1 _gen_bind_30))
((fun _gen_bind_29 ->
(((_var_4 _y_22) >>
(fun _gen_bind_35 -> _gen_bind_35 _y'_24))
(fun _gen_bind_34 -> _abs_9 _gen_bind_34))
(fun _gen_bind_33 ->
_gen_bind_29 _gen_bind_33)))
| false -> value false))
| false -> value false))
**source code**
let no_attack (x, y) (x', y') =
x <> x' && y <> y' && abs (x - x') <> abs (y - y')
**generated code with pureness analysis**
let _no_attack_20 (_x_21,_y_22) (_x'_23,_y'_24) =
if _x_21 <> _x'_23
(if _y_22 <> _y'_24
then (_abs_9 (_x_21 - _x'_23)) <> (_abs_9 (_y_22 - _y'_24))
else false)
else false
### Benchmark 1: simple loop
.center[]
### Benchmark 2: $n$-queens
.center[]
#### .frb[
one solution]
.center[]
#### .frb[
all solutions]
### Benchmark 3: there is no benchmark 3
> The experimental **evaluation of the optimization is very thin** and significantly below the kind of evaluation that one expects of an optimization paper at a venue like ICFP.
>>> reviewer #113A
> Only my concern is that **the benchmark set is rather small**. It remains to be seen if this improvement scales to larger programs.
>>> reviewer #113B
> Your compiler doesn't seem to support implementing high-level effects with OCaml's native effects, like references and console input/output. At least, **there are no examples in the paper**.
>>> reviewer #113C
> The evaluation of the work is only done using **two very small benchmarks**: a looping counter and nqueens.
>>> reviewer #113D
### .fr[.center[verdict: .red[**REJECT**]]]
class: center, middle
# why?
### Subterm inference is hard
\mathop{id} : (\alpha \leq \beta) \Rightarrow (\alpha \to \beta)
{1 \T \intTy}
\mathop{id} \, 1 \T (\alpha \leq \beta \land \intTy \leq \alpha) \Rightarrow \beta
### Subterm inference is hard
\mathop{id} : (\alpha \leq \beta) \Rightarrow (\alpha \to \beta)
{1 \T \intTy}
\mathop{id} \, 1 \T (\intTy \leq \beta) \Rightarrow \beta
### Subterm inference is hard
\mathop{id} : (\alpha \leq \beta) \Rightarrow (\alpha \to \beta)
{1 \T \intTy}
\mathop{id} \, 1 \T \intTy
#### To enable optimizations, changes need to be propagated into subterms.
### Subterm inference is hard
\mathop{id} : \intTy \to \intTy
{1 \T \intTy}
\mathop{id} \, 1 \T \intTy
#### To enable optimizations, changes need to be propagated into subterms.
#### Subtyping makes this hard. Polymorphism and effects don't make it any easier.
### .center[consequence: .red[**REJECT**]]
class: center, middle
### solution:
## new core calculus
### with
## explicit subtyping
### &
## polymorphism
class: center
### Eff
##### desugaring
### implicitly typed language
##### inference
### explicitly typed language
##### erasure
### language without effects or subtyping
##### compilation
### Multicore OCaml
### All subtyping is made explicit
**Implicitly typed language**
(\Op : \unitTy \to A_1) \in \Sigma
\tmUnit : \unitTy
\Op~\tmUnit : A_1 ! \set{\Op}
A_1 ! \set{\Op} \le A_1 ! \set{\Op, \Op'}
\Op~\tmUnit : A_1 ! \set{\Op, \Op'}
(\doin{x}{\Op~\tmUnit}{f~x}) \T A_2 ! \set{\Op, \Op'}
**Explicitly typed language**
(\Op : \unitTy \to A_1) \in \Sigma
\tmUnit : \unitTy
\Op~\tmUnit : A_1 ! \set{\Op}
\color{#f00}{\coercion_1}: A_1 ! \set{\Op} \le A_1 ! \set{\Op, \Op'}
\cast{(\Op~\tmUnit)}{\color{#f00}{\coercion_1}} : A_1 ! \set{\Op, \Op'}
(\doin{x}{\cast{(\Op~\tmUnit)}{\color{#f00}{\coercion_1}}}{\cast{(f~x)}{\color{#f00}{\coercion_2}}}) \T A_2 ! \set{\Op, \Op'}
$\coercion_1$ and $\coercion_2$ are proofs for the appropriate subtyping relation.
### Polymorphism is also explicit
**Implicitly typed language**
\mathtt{appUnit} \stackrel{def}{=} \fun{f} f~\tmUnit
\mathtt{appUnit} : \forall \alpha, \alpha', \delta, \delta'.
\alpha \le \alpha' \Rightarrow \delta \le \delta' \Rightarrow
(\unitTy \to (\alpha \E \delta)) \to \alpha' \E \delta'
**Explicitly typed language**
\mathtt{appUnit}' = \Lambda \alpha, \alpha', \delta, \delta', (\omega:\alpha \le \alpha'), (\omega':\delta \le \delta').
\fun{(g:\unitTy \to \alpha \,!\, \delta)}{\cast{(g\,\tmUnit)}{(\omega\,!\,\omega')}}
### Inference algorithm
### $$ \ctx \ent v : A \mid \cnstrs \leadsto v' \qquad\qquad \ctx \ent c : \C \mid \cnstrs \leadsto c' $$
- - -
v_1 : A_1 \mid \cnstrs_1 \leadsto v'_1 \and
v_2 : A_2 \mid \cnstrs_2 \leadsto v'_2
v_1~v_2 \quad:\quad \alpha \E \delta \mid \cnstrs_1, \cnstrs_2, \omega : A_1 \leq \alpha \E \delta \quad\leadsto\quad(\cast{v'_1}{\omega})~v'_2\
- - -
#### Inference is sound & complete.
### Subtyping and effect erasure
This should work:$\newcommand{\ers}{\varepsilon}$
\ers(K) &= K & \ers(\forall \alpha. A) &= \forall \alpha. \ers(A) \\
\ers(A \to \C) &= \ers(A) \to \ers(\C) & \ers(\forall \delta. A) &= \ers(A) \\
\ers(\C \hto \D) &= \ers(\C) \hto \ers(\D) & \ers(\pi \Rightarrow A) &= \ers(A) \\
\ers(A \E \Dirt) &= \ers(A) \\
.center[and similar for terms]
- - -
$$\mathtt{appUnit} :
\forall \alpha, \alpha', \delta, \delta'.
\alpha \le \alpha' \Rightarrow \delta \le \delta' \Rightarrow
(\unitTy \to (\alpha \E \delta) \to \alpha' \E \delta'$$
\forall \alpha, \alpha', \delta, \delta'.
\alpha \le \alpha' \Rightarrow \delta \le \delta' \Rightarrow
(\unitTy \to (\alpha \E \delta)) \to \alpha' \E \delta'\big)$$
$${} =
\big(\forall \alpha, \alpha'. (\unitTy \to \alpha) \to \alpha'\big)
\neq \big(\forall \alpha. (\unitTy \to \alpha) \to \alpha\big)$$
### .fr[.center[We need to unify! But when?]]
### Type skeletons
This does work:$\newcommand{\ers}{\varepsilon}$
\ers(K) &= K & \ers(\forall \color{red}{(\alpha : \tau)}. A) &= \color{red}{\ers(A)} \\
\ers(A \to \C) &= \ers(A) \to \ers(\C) & \ers(\forall \delta. A) &= \ers(A) \\
\ers(\C \hto \D) &= \ers(\C) \hto \ers(\D) & \ers(\pi \Rightarrow A) &= \ers(A) \\
\ers(A \E \Dirt) &= \ers(A) & \color{red}{\ers(\forall \tau. A)} &= \color{red}{\forall \tau. \ers(A)}
.center[and similar for terms]
- - -
\forall \tau, (\alpha : \tau), (\alpha' : \tau), \delta, \delta'.
\alpha \le \alpha' \Rightarrow \delta \le \delta' \Rightarrow
(\unitTy \to (\alpha \E \delta')) \to \alpha' \E \delta'\big)$$
$${} =
\forall \tau. (\unitTy \to \tau) \to \tau$$
- - -
#### Erasure commutes with the typing and operational semantics.
## Did not talk about
* implementation of the inference algorithm
* mechanisation of meta-theory in Abella
* garbage collection of types
## Future work
* optimizations on the explicitly typed language
* erasure to a language without handlers